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 Let's help- English- Slovene

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Posts : 372
Join date : 2008-07-25

Let's help- English- Slovene Empty
PostSubject: Let's help- English- Slovene   Let's help- English- Slovene Icon_minitimeSat Jul 26, 2008 12:49 pm

Pomoč. Torej, če bi rad kaj, da ti prevedemo (seveda ne celih spisov) ali, da ti povemo kakšno besedo piši tukaj. Prevajamo samo iz angleščine v slovenščino.

Help. If you want us to translate you something ( not too long texts ) or if you want to know words in slovene just wrte here. Here we only translate from English to slovene.

Upam, da je razumljivo

I hope you understod .
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